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CHARGEE - is an online platform and app for real-time energy insights powered by humans and AI. We help consumers deal with energy generation and consumption in a smarter way. Empowering consumers to contribute to a more sustainable future.

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About our product & service

We deliver a dongle, an online service and mobile app to keep track of all your energy data and insights. We collect historical data from your smart meter and aggregate your energy consumption per second. All to plot your consumption in the future, so that we can share what devices should be charged at what time, planning consumption smarter, lowering your energy bill and balancing the grid. We synchronize EV charging with what the grid and neighborhood has to offer and help you optimize your solar panels. 

Our aim is to roll out our service to 7.1 million Dutch households with a smart-meter at their power connection. While we’re onboarding our customers and starting to accumulate data, we empower our first Dutch consumers to make the best of their energy consumption and generation. Helping them move to a better world, consuming and generating energy smarter.

Once we’ve solved this for the Dutch consumer market, we’ll move to other regions. Eventually solving this problem worldwide.

Our values

Learn to solve the problem locally, so we can impact globally!

We build our product with the sole purpose of solving a global energy problem. We start small. Learnings that we get from our local product and customers are the template to help solve this problem on a larger scale. Using AI we accumulate enough data to discover consumption patterns and device blueprints. What we build today locally, prepares us to solve the problem globally tomorrow. 

We need to be smart about our energy

As a software company, most of our energy is consumed by our infrastructure. We, ourselves, want to be smart about this and ensure we only consume what is needed and rely on renewable energy where we can. With the aim to be a CO2 neutral company.

We aspire to be a better company

Business impacts and serves more than just shareholders. The world is our stakeholder. While we’re a commercial company, we believe the value we create should be shared. How we provide this value should be under constant development. 

Sometimes we just don’t know… yet

The most successful solutions to a problem are often coming from unexpected angles and require us to go through endless iterations. We know that great ideas come from the collective hive mind of our team. And that what might work today, might not tomorrow. We embrace the unexpected and accept the vulnerability of the unknown. And with that we inherently make mistakes, which is fine. 

Consumer centric

All the big data in the world means nothing, without action. We believe our accumulated insights should serve our customers in deciding on a more sustainable energy consumption. This means consumers should own and control their own data allowing them to make the best decisions. 

Build by humans, together with AI

Solving the above mentioned challenge requires massive amounts of data. We believe that we can solve this challenge by combining the power of AI with individualized consumer input and human skill of software development.

Good energy, great vibes

Tough challenges require hard work. But according to us hard work requires good vibes and a great personal energy management to make it sustainable. We aspire to build a fun, relaxed but vibrant place to work at. With lots of freedom and colleges from different backgrounds. We create our unique medley of Chargers. That collectively helps us solve our core challenge.